Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Here We Are...

here we are
at the same cafe
at the same corner
and at the same time
talk about nothing
and dreaming
you told me that one day
we’re gonna build our own cafe
with our high school photograph hanging on the wall
then you told me you wanna own hotel
with a great design interior inside
you said you want three children with a great husband
then you want to go to Maldives, have your sweet honey moon
dreaming about you become doctor, an awesome doctor
and i imagine how i become a director
having my own production house
and when weekend night coming
and i have no time to go out from my office
you’ll just come by and bring me our favorite sushi
oh that’s our dreams
i think we’re gonna make a great history
a big story
and legendary
we make a perfect team
chasing down our dream
we should get it
because we are one
and here we are
at the same cafe
at the same corner
at the same time
seeing our children playing
talk about nothing
and dreaming

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