Sunday, November 14, 2010

He took my breath away

He took my breath away, 
As I saw his face.
Seems like he came from heaven,
And took a mortal's place.

He slowly started walking,
And came closer to me
My feet would not move.
And I could not breathe.

My heart skipped a beat,
And my knees felt weak.
There was no air in my lungs,
No more words to speak.

He slowly touched my cheek,
And my mind went spinning around.
He looked into my eyes
And I was floating off the ground.

When I touched his soft brown hair,
My fingertips felt numb.
I looked into his big brown eyes
And I knew my prince had come.

I knew that I was happy,
For I felt no need to cry.
And I knew I was reborn,
For it felt like I had died.

I knew I was in heaven
For his love was meant to stay.
And when he softly kissed my lips
He took my breath away.

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