Friday, March 25, 2011

AmAzInG FrIeNds

First i would like to thank to GOD for giving me such a good n amazing friends like aisyah,alin,syicca n sarah ..thank u girls for being such a good guys will always be in my heart <3...
aishah:thank u for being my good friend..even though we not in the same class..but u always there 4 me (:..i really hope that u not gonna leave me :( cuz i need u in my reach..i love u sooo muchhh bunny boo ;)
alin,syicca n sarah:thank u cuz being my good this year(2011) we'r in the same class...but sad aishah not with us..cuz she are much clever than us..LOL :D..however u guys such a happy go lucky friends..sarah thx for ur treat like almost everyday...alin thx for copying ur hw..hehehehe ;) syicca im really having fun when fighting with u..hahahahaha...

TO all of u girls..plz dont leave me :(:( u girls are my BESTFRIENDS <3<3 I love all of u girls..muahhxxx :*:*:*:*

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